Heritage Regatta & Summer Party

Sign Up for the 2016 Heritage Regatta and Summer Party!
The Summer Party Regatta (aka Heritage Regatta) is an annual Harbor 20 event open to all Fleet 1 Harbor 20 members, and is a fun-filled afternoon of racing on the harbor, followed by live entertainment, food, drinks, awards and social time for the Fleet.
Saturday, August 20th at Lido Isle Yacht Club.
This is not your ordinary Harbor 20 Regatta. Bring friends, family and pets on your boat (pets not allowed at LIYC, must stay on boat), decorate, and compete in a “not so usual” race format. Bring home the coveted Harbor Heritage Perpetual Trophy, not by necessarily being first across the finish line!
Live Entertainment, Traditional Mexican Tacos, Beer, Wine, Margaritas, all on the beach of LIYC.
And, if you participate in the LIYC Friday Night Racing and Barbecue on Aug. 19th, you are invited to keep your boat on the LIYC docks overnight, ready for the Summer Party on Saturday.
Cost is only $25 per person (kids free). Visit the Official Regatta & Event Notice Board to buy your tickets and to enter your boat.