Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes 6 December 2017


  1. Call to Order: Rich Miler, Fleet Captain Presiding
  2. Acceptance of Minutes: no Nov. meeting
  3. Treasurer’s report: see above
  4. No report

Old Business

  1. Request – by Fleet Captain to change bylaws so that: “the Board shall propose any changes to the Fleet Rules and present them to the fleet for adoption by a majority vote of the owners.” see discussion and action below. Board approval to submit this issue to a vote of fleet members.
  2. What is a quorum – Presented by the Fleet Captain: What number of board members should constitute a quorum and also, what is a quorum of owners necessary to make a decision?

Proposed and approved: With a 5 member board, a quorum to conduct business is three, and three votes are needed to pass a motion.

Proposed, seconded and approved with 12 votes in favor: The board’s duty is to discuss and propose items to be voted upon to the fleet membership. Ordinary business at a fleet meeting requires a quorum of half the owners plus one, and requires a simple majority of those present for passage. Bylaws changes require a quorum of 2/3 of all owners in good standing and require a 2/3 majority vote of t hose present for passage.

  1. Final confirmation 2018 Championship Series events: Proposed by Fleet Captain: Same series as in 2017 consisting of the SBYC Spring, Summer and Fall regattas, the Fiesta Cup, and Holiday regattas and the Santa Barbara Sailing Club Cinco de Mayo and Goblin regattas. Two throw-outs. 13 votes in favor. Approved. Question: shorten regattas to one day. Failed.
  2. Skipper eligibility: Should the championship series Notice of Race be updated and incorporated into the Fleet Four Rules. The NOR states:

“Each boat shall be skippered by a registered owner or immediate family member, or a designated co-skipper registered with the fleet secretary. A boat may only designate one co-skipper for the series and must participate in at least 50 percent of the series events on the attached boat.”

Motion and second: Accept the above language up update the NOR’s and incorporate into the Fleet Four Rules. Unanimous approval.

  1. Petition to get the Harbor 20 PHRF rating changed so the fleet is more competitive. Request for volunteer to petition. Who is interested in a Hot Rum series Fleet 4 start?
  2. Should Fleet 4 ask the SBYC Sailing Committee to change our Wet Wednesday starting time? Suggested: 4:45 p.m. Proposed: starting time of 4:50 p.m. Unanimous consensus approval. Rich is to ask the committee.
  3. Discussion of potential fleet statement of Corinthian Spirit…sailing by the intent of the rules to bring about fair competition without trying to bend them to your advantage. Issues discussed: drawing the main traveler to weather of center, Long-board fairing. Secretary posed that the actions are not permitted and noted any new boat to the fleet must pass inspection by the Fleet Measurer per the Class Rules which in part state:

II.A.2. These rules intend that no racing advantage be attainable from the absence of features of equipment required for convenient and safe day sailing, nor from modifications to the hull and rigging which makes the yacht deviate from the standard Class Yacht.”


III.D.2 Any alteration to the hull, keel, rudder or spars may invalidate the yacht.

III.D.4  The shapes of molded parts, including hull, deck, interior, keel and rudder shall be those shapes defined by the production molds. Modification of the shape of any molded party other than by fairing to bring it to the shape defined or intended by the production mold, is prohibited.

Regarding running rigging:

III.F.2.d.  Leads and purchase geometrics may not be changed or relocated.

Discussion ended.


Ex Agenda:

Announcement: Rich Miller – Columbia Yachts bought Harbor 20 and plans to relocate construction plant.

Fleet Party – Agreement that the date will be Feb. 11 in the afternoon at Geoff Slaff’s house.

Calls for Nominations for 2018 Board: By Jan. 16. Email balloting to follow with results announced at Fleet Party.



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